The Concrete Bloc

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What I read on the bus yesterday

I'm currently reading Tibor Fischer's first novel, Under the Frog. I'm only about a third through it, but I am loving it so far. He's followng the actions of a group of young men through post-war Hungary as they live a slightly better life playing on a basketball team. It isn't as far out with language as his later work (more on that in the future) but still shows off his talent. I know I will never be able to write like that, but as I tell my daughter when she gets upset at things, "That's OK".

Here's a sample. The hero Gyuri has seen a girl jump from a bridge while riding the bus to work:

She looked like a country girl, seeking a populous conurbation for taking the exitless exit and not really attractive enough to encourage diving in after her but then if she had been attractive enough to have hordes of men diving in after her, she wouldn't have had to jump in the first place.


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