The Concrete Bloc

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You are what you do

In America you are your job. When people ask “What do you do?” they want to know what you do to make money. I don’t make any money right now. So I’m waffling with my answers, picking from the following:

  • Unemployed (accurate, but I’m not looking for a job)
  • On leave (accurate, but it implies I’m going back after the leave is up - I’m not)
  • I read and write (sounds like I’m in Kindergarten)
  • Starting something up (true of anybody really)
  • A gentleman (old school answer)
  • Not working in Corporate America (too insulting)

I need something better.

Sometimes I feel like I am nothing. A lazy bastard, a slacker, wasting my life. Some of the time I feel like I’m engaged, driven and doing what’s important to me. I think my life is good. I am getting a lot of time with my family and more time with Jean than ever before.

There’s some decompression happening as I start to lose all the corporate reflexes and explore what I want to do. I get more excited each day. I want to spend each hour wisely and get annoyed at myself when I don’t.

At work I’d be happy when the week was over, except I’d be left with the feeling that another week of my life had passed without me doing anything I considered worthwhile.


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